Our Father of the Nation, would have been proud and speechless if he had gotten an opportunity to sit in one of these rituals and see Ahimsa being delivered in its purest form. Germans too, had not really employed their best minds when they ended up inventing a mere Gullitone as a torture device. If they had thought out of the box or applied the six-hats thinking techniques they would have perhaps invented PPTs long long ago.
A PPT, in my own definition is a "non-violent means of subjecting helpless bunch of ambitious guys to a torture of an unknown degree".
The ammunition in this case are something called 'slides'. When someone starts a PPT with the first slide, that signifies "Hands-Up!!". You cant move, you cant SMS, you cant yawn, you cant read a newspaper from under the table ...You are under arrest! The rest of the slides come one by one leaving you either half-dead, or sedate you to the extent that you start snoring without a care in the world.
The funny thing is they dont stop if you fall asleep. They contrive to wake you up using a lot of tactic. They employ something called as "Ads". Ads are supposed to wake one up from slumber so that he has to endure the to-come-slides. They sometimes get to be really interesting and you do get up...
After a zillion PPTs however one gets immune to the treatment. One wears a bullet-proof jacket called "indifference" which will save one from any PPT. Others end-up getting stomach aches at the right time to help them avoid confrontation. Time goes by, and one fine morning, we all know from deep within that we would be conducting the same ritual...and PPTs therefore are like most other beautiful things in the world hmm...Immortal.
PS: Apologies to all the PPT-Lovers if any, that is... :D
Your bestest post ever!! I mean it could be in the Magazine sections of one of the newspapers!THAT well written! Initially thought you had ccp-ied it..due apologies :D
Maybe it's the relevance of the whole thing...but I still think it's the way it's been written!!
You rock!
Another splendid article frm Ravi Teja...super...
Wud lv to see u write an article on Sports...how bout writing one on cricket or tennis... :)
Excellent write-up Teju.. you have touched many hearts.. Every B-schooler is special..
Dont kill them with PPTs
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