Friday, January 18, 2008

Classic !

The movie "A Roman Holiday" a 1950's romantic comedy, which I watched yesterday was simply out of the world. The movie is about a princess who gets totally bored with the royal life she is living which is full of schedules, meetings, interviews, fake smiles and appropriate gestures. She runs away from this world for one day and has an romantic adventure with the world outside the palace walls keeping her identity anonymous. The princess is the beautiful Audery Hepburn.......!! Hmm....Eh...where was I? sorry.. lost my thoughts for a sec..! yaa .. and then you have Gregory Peck who is a press reporter, who chances upon to meet her and longs to make a big story out of the Princess's misadventures. The movie is full of pranks and laughs that leaves one in a surreal dreamworld. A world seen through the eyes of an charming innocent girl.

The movie gave me the thought that - as much as we may crave for a luxurious life sometimes with having high-level meetings to having servants to wake you up and serve tea etc - that life is not all that beautiful. We do not cherish some of the little events in our lives and consider them as mere ordinaries. One should sometimes, give oneself a moment to ponder about the innumerable good things that happened in ones life - a life which in actuality might be far better off than any royal life !

1 comment:

lostworld_me said...

True! Another amazong aspect brought out in this movie was the age old value system of "Duty Comes First" followed by the ruling class...unfortunately no longer prevalent today...It broke my heart to see the short romance that could have truly blossomed come to such an abrupt end...but that was the way it was.

Watch "The Queen"...about Queen Elizabeth of England...makes you re-examine what you felt about her before and see her in a very different light...

Awesome work by you as usual :)